Love letter from Aeneas to Dido
Order Description
After reading Ovid’s Heroides love letters # 3,5,7,16,17 you will write a love letter from Aeneas to Dido. You will need to imitate the use of literary conventions and techniques that Ovid uses in his love letters as you write an imititation love letter in prose form using Aeneas’s voice. Show off your knowledge of the trials that Dido and Aeneas in encounter in “The Aeneid” in your love letter as you imitate the conventions Ovid adopts. The letter should take place after Aeneas runs into Dido in the Underworld in “The Aeneid.” Some of the literary elements that Ovid adopts are: locating the time and place from where the character is writing their beloved, displaying signs of jealousy and emotions, repition, posing questions to the recipient, referencing other characters from the epic poem, flashbacks of their love in the epic poem, reasons as to why they should be reuinited, and stating clearly their devotion and purpose. You will need to be familiar with “the Aeneid” and Ovid “heroides”.